How we decreased Well Seasoned's CAC  by 61%

"Convert Lab is easy to work with, flexible, and focused on the right priorities for our business."
Daniel Treiman - Founder and CEO of Well Seasoned
Decrease in
Cost Per Purchase
Increase in
Average Order Value
Decrease in
Cost Per Click

Well Seasoned PPC / SEM

Well Seasoned, an ecommerce pre-seasoned meat box delivery business needed to bring down their cost per purchase. The team at Convert Lab was brought in to optimize Well Seasoned's paid campaigns and bring down their cost per acquisition, allowing them to generate more sales at the same ad spend.

Challenge & Goals:

Well Seasoned's previous agency struggled to bring their CAC below $340 per order. Convert Lab was asked to review the current campaigns to find opportunities to reduce costs, and generate valuable feedback on audience targeting. Due to the high likelihood of reorder, Well Seasoned was targeting a 1x ROAS or better.

  • Challenged with a $340 CAC from previous agency
  • Targeting too broad to accurately define a target audience
  • Unsure of best messaging

Our Process:

We started by breaking down the existing broad targeting into a variety of different audience to see if we could find higher converting segments to focus on. We found a couple demographics and psychographics that generated sales at a much higher conversion rate and focused our ad spend on these groups.

Next, we generated a variety of new creative and messaging that would be speak to these higher performing audiences.

  • Target audiences testing and optimization
  • Creative and message testing
  • A/B testing both audiences and creative
  • Built out a strong analytics and reporting framework

Platforms & Tools


The campaign was a huge success. Within 60 days of starting with the client, we were able to bring down their CAC by 61%. We were also able to educate the client on their best performing target market and the messaging that was most likely to generate a sale.

  • CAC decreased by 61%
  • CPC decreased by 22.5%
  • Conversion rate increased 33%
  • Average order value increased by 26%

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